Namespace Autodesk.ACC.ModelProperties.Models
- CustomPropertyChangeSet_values
Map of updated custom propery values.
- DiffJobStatus
diff job status
- DiffJobStatusBatch
diff job status batch
- DiffManifestDef
diff manifest
- DiffQueryRequest
Specifies an optional query for the diff.
- DiffStats
some higher level diff statistics
- IndexContents
Parameters to control content within the Index
- IndexJobStatus
indexing job status
- IndexJobStatusBatch
indexing job status batch
- IndexManifestDef
index manifest
- IndexQueryRequest
Specifies an optional query for the index.
- IndexStats
some higher level index statistics
- IndexVersionsQueryRequest
Several file versions, optionally combined with a query.
- IndexVersionsQueryRequest_versions
file version with an optional query
- ManifestDatabaseFilesMappingDef
manifest database files mapping
- ManifestSeedFileDef
manifest seed file definition
- ManifestViewDef
manifest views
- ResourceError
An error associated with a resource
- SqlBinaryExpression
SQL AST for binary expression/filter
- SqlColumnsExpression
SQL AST for describing columns/projections
- ValidationError
An error associated with a validation problem
- CompositeMode
composite handling/filtering mode
- DiffJobStatus_type
- DiffManifestDef_schema
current schema version
- IndexJobStatus_type
- IndexManifestDef_schema
current schema version
- JobState
job status
- ManifestStatus
manifest status