Namespace Autodesk.DataManagement.Models
- Command
Successful Retrieval of C4R Model Publish Status (200)
- CreateCommand
The POST body is a JSON object with the following attributes.
- CreateDownload
Describe the download to be created.
- CreateFolder
Describe the folder to be created.
- CreateItem
Describe the item to be created.
- CreateVersion
Describe the version to be created.
- CreatedDownload
Successful creation of a job.
- CreatedVersion
Successful creation of a version with workflow
- Download
Successful creation of a job.
- DownloadFormats
Successful retrieval of the available download formats for a specific version.
- Downloads
Successful retrieval of the available downloads collection associated with a specific version.
- Folder
Successful retrieval of a specific folder.
- FolderContents
Successful retrieval of the folder contents collection associated with a specific folder.
- FolderRefs
Successful retrieval of a resource collection.
- Hub
Successful retrieval of a specific hub.
- Hubs
Successful retrieval of the hubs collection.
- Item
Successful retrieval of a specific item.
- ItemRequest
Describe the item to be patched.
- ItemTip
Successful retrieval of a specific version.
- Job
Successful retrieval of the details for a specific job.
- ModifyFolder
Modifies folder names
- Paging
Links for multiple pages of data.
- Project
Successful retrieval of a specific project.
- Projects
Successful retrieval of the projects collection associated with a specific hub.
- Refs
Successful retrieval of a resource collection.
- RelationshipLinks
Successful retrieval of the links collection associated with a specific resource.
- RelationshipRefs
Successful retrieval of the refs collection associated with a specific resource.
- RelationshipRefsRequest
Describe the ref to be created.
- Search
Successful retrieval of the search results.
- Storage
Successful creation of a storage location.
- StorageRequest
Successful creation of a storage location.
- TopFolders
Successful retrieval of the top folders’ details.
- VersionObject
Successful retrieval of a specific version.
- VersionRequest
Describe the version to be patched.
- Versions
Successful retrieval of the versions collection associated with a specific item.