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Namespace Autodesk.DataManagement.OSS.Oss.V2.Buckets.Item.Objects.Item.Signeds3download



Builds and executes requests for operations under \oss\v2\buckets{bucketKey}\objects{objectKey}\signeds3download


Gets a signed URL to a download an object directly from S3, bypassing OSS servers. This signed URL expires in 60 seconds, so the request must begin within that time frame; the actual data transfer can take longer. Note that resumable uploads store each chunk individually; after the upload completes, an async process merges all the chunks and creates the definitive OSS file. If you request a signed URL before the async process completes, the response returns a map of S3 URLs, one per chunk; the key is the byte range of the total file to which the chunk corresponds. If you need a single URL in the response, you can use OSS signed resource functionality by setting the 'public-resource-fallback' query parameter to true. Lastly, note that ranged downloads can be used with the returned URL.


Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.