Namespace Autodesk.ModelDerivative.Designdata.Item.Metadata.Item
- WithModelGuItemRequestBuilder
Builds and executes requests for operations under \designdata{urn}\metadata{modelGuid}
- WithModelGuItemRequestBuilder.WithModelGuItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters
Returns a hierarchical list of objects (object tree) in the model view specified by the modelGuid URI parameter.Before you call this endpoint you must call GET {urn}/metadata to obtain the ID (modelGuid) of the model view you want to get the object tree of.Most design applications like Fusion 360 and Inventor contain only one model view per design. However, some applications like Revit allow multiple model views (e.g., HVAC, architecture, perspective) per design.Note You can retrieve metadata only from a design that has been translated to SVF or SVF2.
- WithModelGuItemRequestBuilder.WithModelGuItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration
Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.