Class ManifestRequestBuilder
- Namespace
- Autodesk.ModelDerivative.Designdata.Item.Manifest
- Assembly
- Autodesk.ModelDerivative.dll
Builds and executes requests for operations under \designdata{urn}\manifest
public class ManifestRequestBuilder : BaseRequestBuilder
- Inheritance
- Inherited Members
ManifestRequestBuilder(Dictionary<string, object>, IRequestAdapter)
Instantiates a new ManifestRequestBuilder and sets the default values.
public ManifestRequestBuilder(Dictionary<string, object> pathParameters, IRequestAdapter requestAdapter)
Dictionary<string, object>Path parameters for the request
IRequestAdapterThe request adapter to use to execute the requests.
ManifestRequestBuilder(string, IRequestAdapter)
Instantiates a new ManifestRequestBuilder and sets the default values.
public ManifestRequestBuilder(string rawUrl, IRequestAdapter requestAdapter)
stringThe raw URL to use for the request builder.
IRequestAdapterThe request adapter to use to execute the requests.
Gets an item from the Autodesk.ModelDerivative.designdata.item.manifest.item collection
public WithDerivativeUrnItemRequestBuilder this[string position] { get; }
stringThe URL-encoded URN of the derivatives. The URN is retrieved from the GET {urn}/manifest endpoint.
Property Value
DeleteAsManifestDeleteResponseAsync(Action<RequestConfiguration<DefaultQueryParameters>>?, CancellationToken)
Deletes the manifest and all its translated output files (derivatives). However, it does not delete the design source file.
public Task<ManifestDeleteResponse?> DeleteAsManifestDeleteResponseAsync(Action<RequestConfiguration<DefaultQueryParameters>>? requestConfiguration = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Action<RequestConfiguration<DefaultQueryParameters>>Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
CancellationTokenCancellation token to use when cancelling requests
- Manifest400Error
When receiving a 400 status code
- Manifest401Error
When receiving a 401 status code
- Manifest403Error
When receiving a 403 status code
- Manifest404Error
When receiving a 404 status code
- Manifest500Error
When receiving a 500 status code
DeleteAsync(Action<RequestConfiguration<DefaultQueryParameters>>?, CancellationToken)
Deletes the manifest and all its translated output files (derivatives). However, it does not delete the design source file.
[Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Use DeleteAsManifestDeleteResponseAsync instead.")]
public Task<ManifestResponse?> DeleteAsync(Action<RequestConfiguration<DefaultQueryParameters>>? requestConfiguration = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Action<RequestConfiguration<DefaultQueryParameters>>Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
CancellationTokenCancellation token to use when cancelling requests
- Manifest400Error
When receiving a 400 status code
- Manifest401Error
When receiving a 401 status code
- Manifest403Error
When receiving a 403 status code
- Manifest404Error
When receiving a 404 status code
- Manifest500Error
When receiving a 500 status code
GetAsync(Action<RequestConfiguration<DefaultQueryParameters>>?, CancellationToken)
Retrieves the manifest for the source design specified by the urn URI parameter. The manifest is a list containing information about the derivatives generated while translating a source file. The manifest contains information such as the URNs of the derivatives, the translation status of each derivative, and much more.The URNs of the derivatives are used to download the generated derivatives by calling the GET /{urn}/manifest/{derivativeurn} endpoint.Note: You cannot download 3D SVF2 derivatives.The statuses are used to check whether the translation of the requested output files is complete. The output files produced by a translation job may complete at different times. Therefore, each output file can have a different status.The first time you translate a source design, the Model Derivative service creates a manifest for that source design. Thereafter, every time you translate that source design, the Model Derivative service updates that manifest. It does not create a new manifest each time you initiate a translation job, even if you are translating to a different format.
public Task<Manifest?> GetAsync(Action<RequestConfiguration<DefaultQueryParameters>>? requestConfiguration = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Action<RequestConfiguration<DefaultQueryParameters>>Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
CancellationTokenCancellation token to use when cancelling requests
- Manifest400Error
When receiving a 400 status code
- Manifest401Error
When receiving a 401 status code
- Manifest403Error
When receiving a 403 status code
- Manifest404Error
When receiving a 404 status code
- Manifest500Error
When receiving a 500 status code
Deletes the manifest and all its translated output files (derivatives). However, it does not delete the design source file.
public RequestInformation ToDeleteRequestInformation(Action<RequestConfiguration<DefaultQueryParameters>>? requestConfiguration = null)
Action<RequestConfiguration<DefaultQueryParameters>>Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
- RequestInformation
A Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions.RequestInformation
Retrieves the manifest for the source design specified by the urn URI parameter. The manifest is a list containing information about the derivatives generated while translating a source file. The manifest contains information such as the URNs of the derivatives, the translation status of each derivative, and much more.The URNs of the derivatives are used to download the generated derivatives by calling the GET /{urn}/manifest/{derivativeurn} endpoint.Note: You cannot download 3D SVF2 derivatives.The statuses are used to check whether the translation of the requested output files is complete. The output files produced by a translation job may complete at different times. Therefore, each output file can have a different status.The first time you translate a source design, the Model Derivative service creates a manifest for that source design. Thereafter, every time you translate that source design, the Model Derivative service updates that manifest. It does not create a new manifest each time you initiate a translation job, even if you are translating to a different format.
public RequestInformation ToGetRequestInformation(Action<RequestConfiguration<DefaultQueryParameters>>? requestConfiguration = null)
Action<RequestConfiguration<DefaultQueryParameters>>Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
- RequestInformation
A Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions.RequestInformation
Returns a request builder with the provided arbitrary URL. Using this method means any other path or query parameters are ignored.
public ManifestRequestBuilder WithUrl(string rawUrl)
stringThe raw URL to use for the request builder.